Day Three Central Europe: Riding Show, the Belvedere, and Ferris Wheel

We began our morning with show from the wonderfully trained Spanish Riding School Stallions.  These famous white stallions are trained their whole lives to be the best show horses in the world.

We then were brought to the Belvedere by Thomas to see the gorgeous building and view the structure is known for.  We learned that the Belvedere was never used as a residence, but instead as a venue for royal parties.  Regardless, the view of the city is unbelievable.

We next visited the Hundertwasserhaus, an abstract apartment complex.  The structure, including the sidewalks outside, includes uneven surface and many windows of different size.

We finished our activities of the day with a ride on the world-famous Vienna Ferris Wheel.  Some of the members of the group were rather unnerved by the height of the wheel, including one of the chaperones, Mr. Waller, but we all enjoyed the view.

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